Monday, October 22, 2007

more hunting

Well my dear familia Kelsea and I just got back from the deer hunt (cause school of course), the boys are still out having fun. Opening morning Ryan got a shot and hit a forked horn but not good enough. It ran, he followed a blood trail and came to an end with no deer. The next morning he tracked a 3 point and 4point but of course the 4 point was behind a tree so he shot and dropped the 3 point. Brady and Zach were with him and saw first hand the joys of gutting a deer. It was pretty big, we don't eat venison, but his grandparents love it. Ryan saved the liver (which is high in iron) for his Grandpa then took the deer unprocessed to their house. They like it to hang and just eat what they want. If you ask me I think it's all rather disgusting but it's a bonding moment for the men......boys.ha ha.
I got the results of my MRI, 3 ruptured discs, but saw a surgeon and he is confidant that my chiropractic care will help manage the pain and get me back on track. Good news!
I miss you all, all my love, -Lynnette-

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